Security Policy

It&people has an Information Security Management System based on the ISO 27001 standard, in its current revision. We base our policy on the analysis of our mission, vision and values.


It&people is a firm specialized in the development of innovative technological solutions for HR. The result of joining the knowledge of experts in the HR function and technology experts from Intermark Group to create solutions that offer the user 

– FLEXIBILITY to do what you need and not what your technology solutions leave you with. 

– AUTONOMY to develop their organizations without depending on those who provide the technology that supports them. 

– RAPIDITY to adapt with immediacy to changes in their environment. 

– POWER to make decisions based on facts and not on beliefs. 

– FAIR, reasonable and affordable COSTS, so that the technology that drives companies to the highest level is not only within the reach of a few. 

We are inspired by the business and human group to which we belong, with a strong culture on which all our actions are based, whose fundamental pillars are innovation, professional ethics and long-term commitment to our customers. 

All this has allowed us to have the trust of our clients from the most diverse sectors (Banking, Industry, Public Administration, Services…). it&people creates, implements and maintains services and products with a high differential component for the market, always adapting to the reality and needs of our clients.  

As a result of this philosophy and the objective of contributing to the development of people through technology, the need arises to implement an Information Security System that responds to the increasingly evident concern of our customers and their users. 


To carry out our mission, it&people is based on: 

– A highly qualified team, knowledge and involvement in the projects to be developed, with a clear and explicit commitment to the Information Security they use in the development of these projects and in the management of the organization. 

– Adapt to the needs of our clients, guaranteeing the security of the use of the information they provide us with for the development of our services. 

– Protection and continuous improvement of it&people’s know-how. 

– Building innovative, simple and efficient solutions, focused on the user experience (UX) to provide maximum flexibility, autonomy, scalability and security of the information to be treated in them. 

– Protect all the information for which it&people is responsible, giving it at all times the appropriate use, and preventing any type of loss, damage, misuse, etc. that could occur in the development of our activity. 

The commitment of it&people’s management is total with: 

– The legal and regulatory compliance of application, as well as compliance with the requirements established in our management system and those established by our customers and interested parties. 

– Continuous improvement of the Information Security Management System. 

– Establishment of Information Security objectives consistent with this policy. These objectives will be aimed at ensuring the security of information in the three dimensions: confidentiality, availability and integrity.  

– This policy will be communicated and made available to all interested parties. 
